

Roach Exterminator

One of the worst sights for someone cooking is to see a giant and darting roach shimmy its way under the stove, kitchen mat, or even worse, the cabinet full of plates and cups. While a few of these repulsive creatures are easy to kill with a shoe, they cause a lot more damage to a home in the long run when multiplying in large numbers and spreading disease. Many homeowners are appalled at the mere thought of one entering their house, feeling that it means they're unsanitary, but these bugs attack without discrimination. If you find an infestation, you'll want to have it removed as quickly as possible. 

Roaches are garbage scavengers. They will eat anything and everything regardless of where they are found: garbage cans, pantries, sewers, places where food is made, and near plumbing areas, to name a few. While it might be helpful to have bugs like this get rid of waste out in nature, it is not an option in your home or business. Should they find themselves trapped in an area with no food, they can live for long periods without eating, sometimes even up to six weeks. They will also dine on each other for nourishment, a key to surviving over 350 million years.

If you see a roach in your house or office, it's essential to figure out where they are hiding before they build a home within your home. They love being tucked away in cracks and crevices, furniture, appliances, and damp areas like under sinks. If you find a roach in your bathroom and give drowning it a try, don't be so sure that it is dead. Scientists discovered that roaches could hold their breath for up to 40 minutes, which would give them plenty of time to make it to the surface again.

These uninvited guests come in all shapes and sizes, and while they all look the same to you and me, there are 4,000 different types of roaches. The German, Brown-Banded, American, and Oriental cockroaches are some of the more common types that you might run into at home or work. Some of these bug species can multiply at lightspeed rates, too, giving your home very little defense if they go unnoticed for too long. Depending on the species, they can carry anywhere between 14-40 eggs in one ootheca or the female's protective capsule. 

If you suspect that you have a roach problem, don't wait until the last minute to get something done about it. Professional exterminators are armed for the job and ready to help you get your house or business back to being insect-free. Tranquility Pest Control is a locally owned pest control service that has been in the bug business for years, bringing with us an abundance of knowledge and experience in this field. We are experts in removing pests from your home or business and are committed to providing the best service in the Jacksonville, Texas area. Contact us today and make an appointment.

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