Yard Pests


Yard Pest Control

Texas has more species of insects than any other state in America, with potentially tens of thousands of different bugs calling the Lone Star State home.  The most common forms are beetles, moths, wasps, flies, tree bugs, and hoppers. We have to worry about ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes in our yards. 

Bugs can do plenty of good, helping to pollinate our flowers and crops, cleaning up dead plant matter, and serving as a meal for other animals. Mostly, though, they're pests that we try to keep away from our homes and out of our lives. Ticks and fleas are often lumped into one category since they're both parasites. However, the two insects are different, and thus pest control professionals should be contacted to develop different plans to deal with them. Fleas are brown and round, with six legs that propel them for incredibly high and long jumps. They feed on mammals' blood, typically choosing a dog, cat, or human and then sticking with that host throughout their lives. 

Ticks, in contrast, are arachnids with eight legs and reddish bodies that move around from host to host. Fleas are more likely to cause an infestation because they breed very quickly; however, ticks can spread tapeworms and major diseases like Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. In Texas, both pests are present year-round. They are attracted to standing water, overgrown brush and grass, and wood chips. Clearing out your landscape, regularly taking out your trash, and ensuring you don't have standing water pools can help avoid attracting yard pests.

Getting rid of them yourself once they've arrived, however, is not usually an effective option since it requires careful consideration of treatment options both inside and outside. Once they're inside your house, removing an infestation requires an extremely thorough cleaning, including vacuuming and steam cleaning carpets and furniture, washing bedding and clothing, and more. Even then, it's unlikely you'll have gotten rid of every single bug and egg, and if there is a one left, then the infestation can resurface. Over-the-counter pesticide bombs don't penetrate the deep places that the insects hide and don't kill the bugs at all life cycle stages. It takes a pest control professional to truly rid a building of the insects. A mosquito infestation is nearly impossible to do correctly and thoroughly on your own.

People tend to think that those bugs are only a problem if you have pets. In reality, though, infestations can happen in many ways. All it takes is a bug or two crawling onto your clothing before you walk in the door or attaching itself to some furniture you're bringing in from a garage sale. Since fleas can jump long distances, they can easily land on a host or even sneak into your house through an open door. Ticks get in a position called "questing," where they wait with their front legs outstretched so they can easily climb or fall onto a host as it walks past. The insects like to lay eggs in carpets, bedding, and furniture, and their population size can explode under your very nose before you even realize there's a problem.

The CDC says illnesses from tick, flea, and mosquito bites have tripled in the U.S., and those insects have begun spreading nine new germs, bringing the total risk to 16 vector-borne diseases you can get from a mere bug bite. The CDC also warns that America is not fully prepared to control the spread of those diseases. Because of that, it's best to take matters into your own hands and contract with a pest control professional to keep yourself safe.

When looking for a pest control company, Tranquility Pest Control, goes above and beyond to make sure each part of your mental checklist isn't only met but that your expectations are exceeded. We're locally owned and operated and are proud to be part of the Jacksonville, Texas, community. Our service is top-rated thanks to our dedication and the use of brand-new technology and methodology. We'll even work with you to form a custom package that addresses your individual pest needs.

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