Stinging Insects


Wasp & Hornet Exterminator

As kids, we are told to be careful of bees, but if they sting us, we can take solace because they will soon die. Unfortunately, a pest with a common ancestor to bees and ants has a very bad temper, a smooth stinger that can pierce your skin multiple times, and comes in assorted species in Texas, the wasp. Wasps and Hornets (also wasps) account for about 2/3rds of the 500,000 people who need an emergency room visit after an insect sting. 

In a poll taken on fears and phobias, wasps came in higher than sharks and were only topped by spiders and snakes. Spheksophobia, the fear of wasps, can lead people to remain indoors, stay away from parks and floral shops, and gardens. The sight of one can cause dizziness, nausea, and a rapid heartbeat. In extreme cases, a break from reality leads to the sufferer believing the insect is going to kill them. 

While that may not be true, a recent study has shown that the Northern Paper Wasp has developed the ability to recognize one face from another. Because their nests often have five or more queens, by being able to recognize one another by face, they can negotiate among themselves. Another study showed the perception we have when talking about Bees and Wasps. While bees were regarded as helpful and positive creatures, wasps elicited a negative emotional response. This goes back over to 2300 years ago when Aristotle described their stings as being stronger than bees. His claim was backed up in 2016 with the Schmidt Sting Pain Index when they topped out at the highest score, a 4, and bees tallied a 2.5.

For the most part, they want to be left alone. But unknowingly, there are things we are doing to lure them right as us. They are attracted to yellow and orange, sugar, wine, and urine. They are attracted to lavender, the color and flower, more than any other. They can’t see the color red, so keep that in mind as you head out for some Texas BBQ.

There are more stinging species in Texas than most of us would like, and these are some of the common ones the people of San Antonio and the surrounding areas need to be aware of.

  • Yellow Jackets: These are very aggressive. They are especially active at the end of the Summer. Keep the cover on your sweet drinks because they love them. Their colonies can reach 5000 strong, and if threatened, will send out legions to attack.

  • Hornets: These guys seem to be having a bad day, every day. They nest close to or in the ground, making it easy to accidentally get them riled up. The Bald-Faced Hornets send two scouts to patrol the nest. If they see a threat, they signal the rest inside, and a united attack ensues.

  • Paper Wasps: Their nests are made of a papery material and have open cells. They are generally not aggressive but will attack when threatened. Unfortunately, they like to nest under eaves, open pipes, and tree branches. Sites where we usually bump into them. They produce their own form of pest control with a chemical that repels ants and protects their eggs.

In Jacksonville, TX, and the surrounding area, the number one company to call for a wasp invasion is Tranquility Pest Control. Contact us today and end the threat of stinging insects.

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